How to change WordPress password?

Follow the steps to change the WordPress password:

  1. First, log in to WordPress using your account.  

  2. Go to the Users section and click on Profile.


  3. Scroll down to the Account Management section, click on Generate Password.   


     There will be an autogenerated password inside the text box. Enter an alphanumeric password that you can remember.

  4. To save all the changes, click on the Update profile button.  

Congratulations, you have successfully set your password.

How to add a password via cPanel:

  1. First, log in to cPanel.
  2. Then navigate to the Databases section and click on the phpMyAdmin icon.
  3.  From the left panelist click on the WordPress database.
  4.  From the left panelist click on wp_users. 

  5. You will see the list of registered users under user_login. Click on the Edit button present under the user whose password you wish to reset.

  6. Under the user_pass column, you will see a value section on the far right. Clear the value present in the box. 
  7. Now fill it with what you would like the password to be(make sure to make an alphanumeric password), then in the dropdown menu, select MD5.

    MD5 New password

  8. At the bottom of the page, click on the GO button.

In this way, you can reset the WordPress password.

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