What are some common password mistakes to avoid?

As a website maintenance company, we understand the importance of strong password security. Here are some common password mistakes to avoid:

  1. Using weak or easily guessable passwords such as "password," "123456," or "qwerty." Hackers use sophisticated tools to guess these passwords and gain access to your accounts.
  2. Reusing the same password across multiple accounts. If one account is compromised, all of your other accounts using the same password are also at risk.
  3. Writing down passwords on a piece of paper or storing them in an unsecured digital file. This can make it easy for someone else to access your passwords.
  4. Sharing passwords with others who do not need access to the account.
  5. Failing to update passwords regularly. It is recommended to change passwords every 90 days or so to maintain security.

To avoid these common password mistakes, we recommend using strong and unique passwords that contain a mix of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. We also recommend enabling two-factor authentication whenever possible, which adds an additional layer of security.

At Aarav Infotech, we take password security seriously and provide our clients with a secure vault to manage and share passwords with us. If clients have any questions or concerns about password management or need additional assistance, our team is always available to provide support and guidance.

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